
Our Services

Savings Plans

Lump sum or regular monthly savings – we can help

For many investors, savings will form the foundation of a successful long-term wealth management strategy. By making regular monthly savings and investing them in a suitable vehicle – perhaps a fund or a portfolio of investments – investors have the ability to work towards their goals, whether that’s a retirement fund, education fees or the creation of a legacy.

However, whether you have a lump sum to invest or plan to put away a regular amount, it is important that money is not simply squirreled away. Putting money into a conventional bank savings account is often little better than hiding it under a mattress as, in the current economic climate, it is unlikely to produce returns above the rate of inflation.

By sitting down and discussing your circumstances and goals with an adviser, it is possible to take advantage of the many great opportunities available in the Cayman Islands – the jurisdiction allows an abundance of choice when it comes to flexible, monthly savings vehicles offering rich potential for growth.

Blacktower Cayman is an independent Financial Advisory firm. We offer our clients a carefully curated choice of simple, flexible and cost-effective saving schemes from a range of international providers. Whatever your circumstances, objectives, budget and risk profile our advisors can help you find a regular savings plan that takes full account of all these factors.

Education Fee Planning

Education fees are, understandably, a wealth management priority for many investors who have children or grandchildren. However, over the past decade, growing levels of elite wealth in Russia, China and the Middle East mean that competition for places and, consequently, education fees have risen to unprecedented levels.

By preparing early and optimising your regular savings towards effective financial planning, it is possible to have adequate contingencies in place so that that you don’t have to eat into your short-term savings or monthly disposable income when fees become due.

Speak to a member of the Blacktower team in Cayman today.

Retirement Planning

With doubts about the long-term viability of national/state pensions and the future of many conventional employer-sponsored pension plans, early-stage retirement planning is a matter of real imperative.

An effective regular savings plan can help you make confident provision for your retirement. The sooner you start the more room you give your investments to grow while also setting the ground for compound gains over the long-term. A regular savings plan may mean that your reliance on state and employer schemes, that you may have little to no control over, is reduced.

Our team is here to understand your goals and objectives so we can build the right savings and investment plans for you.

Legacy Planning

Like it or not, we all leave a legacy behind us when we depart this world – from the memories we leave our children to the sum impact of personal and professional decisions throughout our life.

By investing a monthly amount into regular savings to create a legacy for beneficiaries or charity, we can take this even further so that we leave a concrete and measurable financial legacy to provide a lasting and positive effect after we have gone.

Regular Savings in Grand Cayman

Blacktower Cayman can help you securely accumulate capital to achieve long-term growth via flexible, monthly savings vehicles, such as the following:

  • Fund and Share Accounts
  • Self Invested Personal Pensions (SIPPs)

We have more than 35 years of experience in the financial services industry and can bring all our expertise to the fore to help you realise your financial aspirations as part of a holistic wealth management strategy. For more information, contact our office in Grand Cayman today.

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